Mountainbike Tour, Bavarian Forest National Park
Notice: All modules of our day programmes are available as multiday arrangements and variable according to seasonal conditions and the physical constitution of participants.
1. Action item:
Mountainbike Tour with experienced guides through the emerging natural forests of the National Park Bavarian Forest in 3 difficulty-levels. Learn more about nature and natural history.
2. Action item:
Visit the national park institutions “Wildniscamp am Falkenstein”, “Haus zur Wildnis” and the wildlife enclosure Ludwigsthal;
A critical approach to the philosophy of the national park “leaving nature to its own devices”- claim versus reality, i. e. the permanent focus of fighting the barkbeetle in the nationalpark (and external); Sense and nonsense of wildlife enclosures in a national park, relation man and nature.
Minimum members of group: 2 persons
Price: € 129.- per person
Please book 2 days ahead via e-mail or by phone.